
(905) 554-2352

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pediatric chiropractic


Chiropractic treatment has been shown to be very safe, even safer than traditional medical treatment.

Chiropractic treatments can be very helpful for your growing babies and young children, through to their teenage years and beyond.

Everything from the delivery process (especially in the case of birth trauma – very short or prolonged labor, forceps, vacuum, or C-section), to learning how to hold up their head, roll over, sit up, crawl and frequent falls while learning to stand and walk all places strain on muscles and joints in infants during their most crucial years of development.

As children get older, carrying backpacks, prolonged sitting or screen time, stress from school, sports injuries and car accidents can cause muscular tension and may lead to restrictions in the joints and discomfort.



It is beneficial to treat imbalances early on, as it can be difficult to change long-term postural patterns and habits.

A check-up by a chiropractor who is certified in pediatrics can help to diagnose muscle and joint dysfunction before it becomes a bigger problem.

Ideally, check-ups should be performed immediately after birth, and then at the major milestones during the first year (holding up their head, sitting up, standing up, and walking). After the first year, maintenance care should be performed regularly at the discretion of the chiropractor.

Research indicates that the force applied when treating an infant is approximately 5% of the force utilized to adjust an adult.

At in balance, our chiropractors also use a variety of techniques unique to treating children including fingertip pressure, cranial adjusting, soft tissue therapy, an infant toggle board, traction, the Activator and drop piece adjusting. Traditional chiropractic adjustments are not performed until the child is approximately eight years of age.

A recent survey also showed that 85% of parents noticed an improvement in their child’s symptoms with chiropractic treatment.


activator adjustment
child toggle board adjustment

about pediatric care for infants



Some reasons why parents seek chiropractic treatment for their babies are:
  • difficulty latching while breastfeeding (TMJ dysfunction)
  • difficulty turning the head to one side (torticollis) / favouring one side
  • flat spots on the head
  • gas or increased fussiness (colic)
  • constipation
  • acid reflux
  • growing pains

about pediatric care for older children



Some reasons why parents seek chiropractic treatment for their older children are:
  • falls
  • sports injuries
  • complaints of neck, back, arm or leg pain
  • headaches
  • jaw problems (including the wearing of orthodontic braces)
  • growing pains
  • bed wetting
  • constipation